Table 2

Studies that have specifically sought optical toxicity

ReferencePatients (n)Age rangeMethod of evaluationDose of ethambutol (mg/kg/day)Duration of treatment (months)Length of follow up (months)Number with toxicity
24 473–13 yearsVisual evoked responses201215–180
25 364 months to
16 years
Acuity/field/colour25 then 156 then 1824–480
Fox2-150 451–15 yearsAcuity/field/colour15–259–189–180
26 304–5 yearsAcuity/field/colour25 twice a week660
27 275–15 yearsAcuity/field/colour202–2412–360
28 69–16 yearsComputerised visual field examination201290
  • 2-150 Fox W, unpublished data quoted inTubercle 1986;67:27.