Table 1

Treatment regimens in Malawi for new cases of tuberculosis

Past 1984–96Current 1997–Proposed
Smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis
Pericardial tuberculosis
Miliary tuberculosis
Spinal tuberculosis2SRHZ/6TH2SRHZ/6EH2R3H3Z3E3/6EH
Tuberculosis meningitis2SRHZ/7RH2SRHZ/7RH2SRHZ/7RH
Smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis1SSTH/11TH1SEH/11EH2R3H3Z3/6EH
Other extrapulmonary tuberculosis not mentioned above
  • Regimens are divided into intensive phase and continuation phase. The number before the first letter of each phase of the regimen is the duration in months of that phase. The numbers in subscript after the name of the drug indicate the number of times the drug should be taken in a week.

  • S, streptomycin; R, rifampicin; H, isoniazid; Z, pyrazinamide; T, thiacetazone; E, ethambutol.