Table 1

Modified Glasgow coma scale. Pain as nail bed pressure with pencil; score best response

Adult and child > 5 yearsChild < 5 years
Eye opening
 E4 spontaneousAs older child
 E3 to verbal stimulusAs older child
 E2 to painAs older child
 E1 no response to painAs older child
 V5 orientatedAlert, babbles, coos, words or sentences to usual ability
 V4 confusedLess than usual ability or spontaneous irritable cry
 V3 inappropriate wordsCries to pain
 V2 incomprehensible soundsMoans to pain
 V1 no response to painNo reponse to pain
 VT intubatedIntubated
 G5 spontaneous normal facial/oromotor activity, for example sucks  tube, coughs
 G4 less than usual spontaneous ability or only responds to touch
 G3 vigorous grimace to pain
 G2 mild grimace or some change in facial expression to pain
 G1 no response to pain
 M6 obeys commandsNormal spontaneous movements or withdraws to touch
 M5 localises to pain stimulusAs older child
 M4 withdraws from pain As older child
 M3 abnormal flexion to painAs older child
 M2 abnormal extension to painAs older child
 M1 no response to painAs older child