Table 1

Examples of dimensions of health used in measurement of HRQOL in children and adolescents

HRQOL measureDimensions
Child Health and Illness Profile (CHIP), child completed, ages 11-186 Activity, comfort, satisfaction disorders,  achievement, resilience
Child Health Questionnaire Parents Form (CHQPF50), proxy completed, ages 5-157 Physical functioning, role/social:  emotional/behavioural/physical, bodily pain,  general behaviour, mental health, self esteem,  general health perceptions, change in health,  parent impact: emotional/time,
 family activities, family cohesion
Minneapolis Manchester Measure of Quality of Life (MMQL), child completed, ages 8-12, 13-20 (MEM Jenney, unpublished)Physical activity, energy, mood, body image/self  esteem, peer/family relationships,  pain/discomfort, school, outlook
Childhood Asthma Questionnaire B (CAQ-B), child completed, ages 8-118 Active aspects of living with asthma, passive  aspects of living with asthma, perceived  disease severity, distress