Table 3

Mean, differences between means (DBM), and standard error of differences between means (SE) of physiological parameters during prone and supine non-REM and REM sleep at 2.5 and 5 months of age

Sleep parameter2.5 months (n=32 pairs)5 months (n=28 pairs)
ProneSupineDBMSEp ValueProneSupineDBMSEp Value
Heart rate (beats/min), non-REM125.1118.96.21.1< 0.001118.8114.14.31.0< 0.001
Heart rate (beats/min), REM129.1124.< 0.001
Respiratory rate (breaths/min), non-REM28.427.
Respiratory rate (breaths/min), REM29.528.
Oxygen saturation (%), non-REM99.
Oxygen saturation (%), REM98.798.
Peripheral skin temperature, (°C), non-REM36.336.< 0.01
Peripheral skin temperature, (°C), REM36.335.90.40.1< 0.00136.
  • Levels of significance between body positions during non-REM and REM sleep according to respective p values.