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Reducing missed appointments in a paediatric diabetes clinic: a successful endeavour
  1. Annie Theodore,
  2. Vengudi Sankar
  1. Royal Bolton Hospital, Farnworth, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Vengudi Sankar, Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road, Farnworth BL4 0JR, UK; vengudi.sankar{at}

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Arai et al1 highlighted the need for ‘management of information’ and ‘guidelines tailored to services’ to reduce cases of did not attend (DNA). Beckhard and Harris charted individual responsibilities to clarify accountabilities about appointments.2

We describe here a project we undertook in our paediatric diabetes service to reduce DNA rates.

The paediatric diabetes best practice tariff requires a minimum offer of four multidisciplinary clinic contacts for every patient. Our historical DNA rate was 14%. This was too high to achieve the above standards.

A whole systems review was …

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  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.