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IS-026 New Directions In Neonatal Nephrology Research
  1. V Fanos1,
  2. G Faa2
  1. 1Surgical Sciences University of Cagliari, NICU Neonatal Pathology Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section, Cagliari, Italy
  2. 2Surgical Sciences University of Cagliari, Pathology, Cagliari, Italy


Our experience is presented in neonatal nephrology research: embryology, regenerative medicine, metabolomics, perinatal programming (Figures 1–3, with permission). We studied kidney embryology with conventional histology, immunoistochemistry (WT1, MUC1, CD10, CD44, mTOR protein, BCL2, Kim1, Thymosins beta 4 and 10, hCTR1, Glypican 3, Galectin, Nestin, etc.) (Faa G. J Cell Physiol 2012), electron microscopy, embryonic kidney cell line to study the effect of drugs in the normal rate of cell proliferation. We hypothesised the concept of physiological renal regenerative medicine, using the stem cell naturally present in the kidney (Fanni D. JMFNM 2012). Metabolomics (Fanos V. SFNM 2013) is performed by us in studying experimental models of renal damage (i.e. asphyxia, drugs), in the early diagnosis of infection and sepsis induced AKI in the newborn, and in monitoring the patient renal function (Fanos V. Molecules 2013, Clin Biochem 2014). Big data analysis is performed connecting immunoistochemistry and metabolomics in experimental models. Finally we studied the long term cardio-renal effects of extreme prematurity on a cohort of apparently healthy adults born ELBW (Bassareo PP. JPNIM 2013). The life of every individual is a continuum from prenatal life to adult (see 2 books: Fanos V. et al. Hygeia Press 2012, Faa G and Fanos V. Humana Press 2014). According with T. S. Eliot: “In my beginning is my end”.

Abstract IS-026 Figure 1

Renal stem cells in preterm kidney. From Faa G. et al. Renal stem cells in preterm kidney. J Pediatr Neonat Individual Med. 2014, in press; with permission

Abstract IS-026 Figure 2

Urinary metabolomics in newborn piglet model of asphyxia. PLS-DA model between piglets with Recovery Time (RT) after asphyxia < 15’ (black circles) and piglets with RT > 68’ (open triangles). Model parameters for the explained variation (R2X and R2Y), and the predictive capability, Q2, were: R2X = 0.789; R2Y = 0.869; Q2 = 0.689. From: Murgia F, et al. Is the quickness of resuscitation after hypoxia influenced by the oxygen concentration? Metabolomics in piglets resuscitated with different oxygen concentrations. J Pediatr Neonat Individual Med. 2013;2(2):e020233, with permission

Abstract IS-026 Figure 3

Epigenetic modulation of kidney developemet. From Faa G. et al. Kidney embryogenesis: how to look at old things with new eyes. In: Fanos V., Chevaller R.L., Faa G., Cataldi L. Quartu S. Elena, Hygela Press, 2011, with permission

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