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PS-240 Developing A Toxic Paediatric Animal Model Of Non-oliguric Acute Renal Injury With Cisplatin
  1. MJ Santiago,
  2. J López-Herce,
  3. J López,
  4. J Urbano,
  5. R González,
  6. MJ Solana,
  7. SN Fernandez,
  8. B Toledo
  1. PICU, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain


Introduction Developing a non-oliguric paediatric animal model of acuterenal injury (AKI) could be useful to study the evolution of diuresis after treatments. Cisplatin causes a dose-dependant poliuric renal failure in humans. A dose of 5 mg/kg has been used in rats to produced AKI but there are no studies in pigs.

Objectives To define the target dose of Cisplatin that develops anon-oliguric toxic acute kidney injury in piglets.

Methods A prospective experimental study was performed in 8 piglets (mean 10 kg). Three different intravenous doses of Cisplatin (2, 3 and5 mg/kg) and two different periods of time between administration and evaluation (2 and 4 days) were studied. Urine and blood samples were collected.

Results Results are presented in Table 1. A dose of 2 mg/kg did not produce important alteration of renal function at any given time. A very severe oliguric AKI with extremely high hyperkalemia was observed four days after a 3 mg/kg dose and 3 days after a 5 mg/kd dose. A dose of 3 mg/kg administrated 48 h before produced an important AKI without severe hyperkalemia.

Abstract PS-240 Table 1

Conclusions A dose of 3 mg/kgof intravenous cisplatin producednon-oliguric AKI after 48 h in piglets. This dose and interval can be used for toxic paediatric animal models of AKI.

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