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Gill PJ, Goldacre MJ, Mant D, et al. Increase in emergency admissions to hospital for children aged under 15 in England, 1999–2010: national database analysis (Arch Dis Child 2013;98:328–34). A numeric error was introduced by the journal's production team. In the Results, the manuscript refers to the line: “The total number of admissions for primary-care-sensitive conditions rose 18% (from 172532 to 335038; from 19 to 23 per 1000).” The numbers in bold are incorrect. The correct sentence and numbers should be as follows: “The total number of admissions for primary-care-sensitive conditions rose 18% (from 178043 to 209898; from 19 to 23 per 1000).” We would like to apologise to the authors for this mistake.

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