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An overview of respiratory problems in children with Down's syndrome
  1. Rachel Watts,
  2. H Vyas
  1. PICU and Respiratory Medicine, Nottingham University Hospital, Nottingham, UK
  1. Correspondence to Professor H Vyas, PICU and Respiratory Medicine, Nottingham University Hospital Nottingham NG72UH, UK; harish.vyas{at}


Respiratory disease is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in children with Down's syndrome (DS). Causes range from those problems common to many children with DS, such as a narrow airway or impaired immunity, to rare structural lesions, such as tracheal bronchus. Additionally, other organ systems or extrinsic factors may play a role. A thorough understanding of the range of potential problems will aid in the evaluation and management of children with DS and respiratory symptoms.

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