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Undescended testis and torsion: is the risk understated?
  1. Arbinder Kumar Singal1,
  2. Viral Jain2,
  3. Manish Dubey3,
  4. Pankaj Deshpande4
  1. 1Department of Pediatric Urology, MITR Healthcare Hospital, Kharghar & MGM's New Bombay Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India
  2. 2Department of Pediatrics, MGM University of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, India
  3. 3Department of Urology, MITR Healthcare Hospital, Kharghar & MGM's New Bombay Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India
  4. 4Department of Pediatric Nephrology, MGM's New Bombay Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India
  1. Correspondence to Dr Arbinder Kumar Singal, Department of Pediatric Urology, MITR Healthcare Hospital, Kharghar & MGM's New Bombay Hospital, RH-5, O-26, Sector-7, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra-400703, India; arbinders{at}


Undescended testis (UDT) is seen in 3% to 5% of all newborn boys. Complications such as infertility and malignant transformation have been well documented in UDT. However, torsion of a UDT can also occur and the diagnosis is often missed or delayed, leading to loss of testis. This event may occur even before the currently recommended age for surgery, which is at 6–9 months. We present a case series of six children with torsion of undescended testes and their subsequent diagnosis and management. The risk of torsion of UDT is understated. Paediatricians should be educated about this complication and torsion should be included in the differential diagnosis when a boy with an empty scrotum presents with acute abdomen or red and tender swelling in the groin, as early detection and intervention can help salvage the testes.

  • Undescended
  • torsion
  • testes
  • cryptorchidism
  • Beals syndrome

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