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Images in paediatrics
Extrarenal Wilms’ tumour presenting as an inguinal mass
  1. Mehran Hiradfar,
  2. Reza Shojaeian,
  3. Nona Zabolinejad,
  4. Parisa Saeedi,
  5. Marjan Joodi,
  6. Zeinab Khazaie,
  7. Sara Hajian
  1. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran
  1. Correspondence to Dr Reza Shojaeian, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Mashad University of Medical Sciences, Dr sheikh st, Mashhad, Khorasan 67895, Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran; Drshojaeian{at}Ymail.Com

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Nephroblastoma is the most common primary malignant tumour of kidney in children.1 Extrarenal Wilms is rare and its occurrence without kidney involvement is extremely uncommon.2 The most common site of extrarenal Wilms is retropritoneum and then the inguinal area.3 Inguinal mass is a common complaint in paediatrics that is mainly due to hernia and this is a case of extrarenal Wilms presented as an …

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