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  1. C Billeaud1,2
  1. 1President of the European Association for Pediatrics Education (EAPE formerly APEE), France
  2. 2CHU Pellegrin, Bordeaux, France


Why a European e-learning platform on paediatric questions?

To contribute to the dissemination of common practices through Europe. To offer through continuous medical education (CME) a quality and up to date information versus a profusion of non-validated information. To offer an opportunity to a maximum of paediatricians and general practitioners of learning the essentials on key matters in less than 1 h per question. To meet APEE dedication of medical continuous education.

Where are we at?

We have structured an editorial content and organisation. We have found the first experts (nutrition, leukaemia,…). We have set up a sustainable financial model. We have found a publishing contractor Synergence, which already has a proven experience in medical e-learning (see, in e-learning in general (see and shows a real involvement in the Europed project. We have designed a first mock-up of the Europed internet site (still in progress).

How to achieve CME requirements: a 3-year paediatric programme to meet the CME needs in paediatrics. One issue of the electronic journal including six topics available every 2 months (each topic will be the responsibility of a team composed of an academic and clinical-based paediatrician. Each team will update the question every 6 months for 3 years) 108 topics at the end of 3 years. Each topic covered using interactive teaching methods through clinical cases. Each paediatrician or GP will receive: an objective evaluation form by a quiz, a certificate of the time spent to work on-line and a number of credit points of CME. Whatever the origin country of the expert, each question will be translated and adapted in French, English, Spanish and German.

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