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Botulinum toxin for cerebral palsy; where are we now?
  1. R E Morton1,
  2. J Hankinson2,
  3. J Nicholson3
  1. 1Ronnie MacKeith Child Development Centre, Derbyshire Children’s’ Hospital, Derby and Nottingham Queens Medical Centre and City Hospital, Nottingham, UK
  2. 2Physiotherapy Department, Ronnie MacKeith Child Development Centre, Derby, UK
  3. 3Occupational Therapy department, Ronnie MacKeith Child Development Centre, Derby, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr R E Morton
    Ronnie MacKeith Child Development Centre, Derbyshire Children’s’ Hospital, Derby and Nottingham Queens Medical Centre and City Hospital, Nottingham, UK;


In this article, the evidence base for botulinum-A treatment acquired in recent years is outlined, and the practicalities involved in providing this service are described. Botulinum-A is relatively new, and possible improvements for the future are considered.

  • BT-A, botulinum A
  • CP, cerebral palsy
  • RCT, randomised controlled trial
  • botulinum toxin
  • cerebral palsy

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  • Funding: REM has received research grants from Ipsen, manufacturers of Dysport BT-A.