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Airway infections in infancy and the presence of allergy and asthma in school age children
  1. F Njå1,
  2. W Nystad2,
  3. Ø Hetlevik3,
  4. K C Lødrup Carlsen4,
  5. K-H Carlsen5
  1. 1Geilomo Children’s Hospital for Asthma and Allergy, Geilo and Sandvika, Norway
  2. 2Section of Epidemiology, Department of Population Health Sciences, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo
  3. 3Community GP, Odda
  4. 4Department of Paediatrics, Section of Allergology and Pulmonology, Woman Child Clinic, Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo
  5. 5Voksentoppen Research Institute and Children’s National Hospital of Asthma, Allergy and Chronic Lung Diseases, University of Oslo, Norway
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr F Njå, Malmskrivervn. 27, 1337 Sandvika, Norway;


Aim: To investigate the association between a history of otitis media and respiratory tract infections in infancy and allergic sensitisation and asthma in school age children of atopic and non-atopic parents.

Methods: Based on a survey of 4585 schoolchildren, three groups of children aged 6–16 years were selected, of whom 502 were eligible with complete data: (1) diagnosed asthma (n = 166); (2) wheeze within past 12 months (n = 155); and (3) no asthma/no wheeze (n = 181). This study population was further analyzed by subgroups of children with or without parental atopy. Main outcome measures were allergic sensitisation verified by skin prick test and asthma.

Results: Children of atopic parents had a reduced risk of developing allergic sensitisation in school age if they had a combined history of both otitis media and lower respiratory tract infections during infancy (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.13, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.50) or a history of otitis media (aOR 0.31, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.83). A history of lower respiratory tract infections in infancy increased the risk of asthma in children of non-atopic parents (aOR 4.21, 95% CI 1.68 to 10.57).

Conclusion: In the present study population, a history of otitis media in infancy seems to be negatively associated with allergic sensitisation in school age children of atopic parents, whereas a history of lower respiratory tract infections was positively associated with asthma in children of non-atopic parents.

  • respiratory tract infection
  • allergy
  • asthma
  • aOR, adjusted odds ratio
  • CI, confidence interval
  • cOR, crude odds ratio
  • OM, otitis media
  • RTI, respiratory tract infection
  • LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection
  • RRTI, recurrent respiratory tract infection
  • SPT, skin prick test

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