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A simple chart to identify non-familial short stature
  1. T J Cole
  1. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Institute of Child Health, London WC1N 1EH, UK
  1. Professor Cole email: Tim.Cole{at}


OBJECTIVE To develop a chart to identify non-familial short stature.

DESIGN A height chart that adjusts for maternal, paternal, midparental, or sibling height based on the British 1990 height reference.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Height between 2 and 9 years of age.

RESULTS The chart identifies children whose height is below the familially adjusted 0.4th centile, assuming a correlation of 0.4 between child height standard deviation score (SDS) and familial height SDS. The adjustment can be for parents, either alone or together, or for a sibling aged 2–9 years. The chart identifies about 2 children/1000 over and above the 4/1000 identified by the unconditional 0.4th centile.

CONCLUSION The chart should be a useful addition to screening programmes for short stature.

  • short stature
  • midparental height
  • growth chart
  • screening

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