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Comprehensive management of children on a paediatric ward: a family approach.
  1. L Bingley,
  2. J Leonard,
  3. S Hensman,
  4. B Lask,
  5. O Wolff


    A team approach in the comprehensive management of children on a general paediatric ward is described. The team comprises paediatricians, nurses, a child psychiatrist, and a social worker, with a psychologist, play-leader, and teachers making important contributions. In this way members of the team learn from each other, and the paediatrician in training gains valuable experience about the management of children with emotional problems. The team approach is based on the principles of family therapy, but it also uses other forms of therapy--such as behavioural, marital, and individual. Children with severe psychosomatic problems in particular can be helped by such treatment, but other emotional problems are also suitable for management using such an approach.

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