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P160 Scoliosis in paediatric clinic
  1. Stefano Giacomini,
  2. Tiziana Greggi
  1. Spine Deformity Surgery Department, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Bologna – Italy


Early diagnosis of scoliosis is important for a good orthopaedic treatment.

Paediatrician is fondamental in first scoliosis recognising and sending to the specialist.

This protocol is a simple instrument for a quick, safe an uniform metod to recognise and treat scoliosis in paediatric clinic.

Medical history Genetic syndrome with malformations………………………2 points

Familiar history of scoliosis………………………………….……1 point

Statural growth≥5 cm in last 6 months………………1 point

Peri-puberty period ……………………………………………...…..1 point

Physical examination Dorsal hump…………………………………………..3 points

Lumbar rotation……………………………….3 points

Cut triangles asymmetry……………………2 points

Shoulder asymmetry……………………………….…1 point

Pelvic asymmetry………………………………………1 point

Hyperkyphosis…………………………………………..1 point

Hyperlordosis…………………………………1 point

Scapular winging………………………………………….1 point

Marfanoid aspect……………………………….1 point

Skin caffè-latte spots………………………………….1 point

Treatment 0–2 points: clinical monitoring (4–6 months)

3–4 points: spine x-ray

-scoliosis in x-ray: send to specialist

- no scoliosis in x-ray: clinical monitoring (4–6 months)

≥5 points: send to specialist with spine x-ray

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