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G443(P) Evaluating user experience in community paediatrics using the friends and family test (fft)
  1. G Bhusari,
  2. K Banerjee,
  3. S Thomas
  1. Community Paediatrics, North East London Foundation Trust, Grays, UK


Aims The FFT survey is only due to be rolled out nationally to all community and mental health trusts in 2015 by DOH. Our aim was to proactively use the FFT to evaluate child and young person (CYP) and carer’s experience about community paediatric clinic appointments, in a variety of settings. This would be helpful towards obtaining timely feedback from CYP and parents, about the quality of care offered by community paediatricians and identify areas for improvement.

Method The Friend and Family Test (FFT) is a single question survey which asks patients and carers whether they would recommend the NHS service they have received, to friends and family who need similar treatment or care. The survey was conducted prospectively on all patients seen by community paediatricians during a 6-week period from 1st July until 15th August 2014. At the end of each clinic consultation, the form was handed to eligible CYP and carers for completion. CYP aged 8 years and over were included and those with moderate to severe learning difficulty were excluded. Carers of CYP from 0–19 years’ age range were included. A marked box was kept for them to drop the completed form in at the reception, before leaving the clinic. All the completed forms were sent to the audit department for further evaluation.

Results In total 348 forms (106 by CYP and 242 by carers) were completed over the 6 weeks period. The responses across individual questions were highly correlated. See Figures 1 and 2.

Abstract G443(P) Figure 1


Conclusion The total number of responses collected is a good representative sample of our caseload. Both CYP and carers report high satisfaction score about their experience with the doctor at clinic appointments. 97% of carers and 85% of CYP were either extremely likely or very likely to recommend our service to friends and families. Using a validated tool asking a single question in a busy outpatient setting, we have been able to collect robust evidence about the quality of our service. We plan to use this survey to positively influence commissioners for service development.

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