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Maintenance of growth in cystic fibrosis despite reduction in pancreatic enzyme supplementation
  1. Jacqueline Lowdon,
  2. Mary C Goodchild,
  3. Henry C Ryley,
  4. Iolo J M Doull
  1. Cystic Fibrosis Unit, Department of Child Health, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff CF4 4XW
  1. Dr Doull.


Twenty one children with cystic fibrosis were advised to decrease their pancreatic enzyme supplement (PES) dose to less than 10 000 units lipase/kg/day. Mean PES dosage was significantly decreased in 15 patients from 18 380 to 8647 units lipase/kg/day. There were no significant changes in energy or fat intake, but there were significant increases in weight SD score, height SD score, and weight/height ratio.

  • pancreatic enzyme dosage
  • cystic fibrosis
  • growth

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